Saturday, January 9, 2016

Clean Slate Read-A-Thon

So this Read-A-Thon is hosted by Novel InkLatte Nights Reviews, and Lost in Lit. It's all about reading your 2015 releases that you're holding onto into the new year. The Clean Slate Read-A-Thon will run from Sunday, January 10 at 12 AM through Sunday, January 17 at 11:59 PM. So I figured heck why not right? Plus I have a few books on the back burner (surprises all around ^0^) 

So My TBR for this read-a-thon will be short and sweet because they're the only books I have from 2015, because let me tell you sister some great books came out last year. (By the way these are e-books so I'm going to use images I've found on the internet ^^! sorry)  They are


Reading Progress:

Sunday January 10, 2016: Reading The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy
Percentage Read: I'm on page 72 of 392 in my e-book
Book Completed Today: Goose Eggs
Update: I'm liking the different 'nerdy' groups in the books so far ;D 

Monday January 11, 2016: Reading I'll Meet You There
Percentage Read: I'm on page 30 of 784 of this e-book
Books Completed Today: Not a One
Update: I'm so freakin tired and it snowed so I have that nice 'it's so warm in here and cold out there' feeling. I'm reading for a week's long nap. 

Tuesday January 12, 2016: Reading I'll Meet You There and The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy
Percentage Read: I'm on page 52 of 784 of I'll Meet You There and I'm on page 78 of 392 of The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy
Books Completed Today: O I'm on a roll, a round roll
Update: I'm feeling like there's a bit of a turn with we hear about Josh's plight.

Wednesday January 13, 2016: Reading next to nothing today (I had a looong dentist appointment)
Percentage Read: I'm on page 55 of 784 of I'll Meet You There and FGGttG is the same
Books Complete Today: I can't even (_o.o_) <-- kirby face
Update: I'm feeling down but not out I just need a minute.

Thursday January 14, 2016: Reading I'll Meet You There and The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy
Percentage Read: I'm on page 100 of The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy (I'm playing on running through both books in one day hopefully)
Books Complete Today: 0
Update: I've had to use most of my time cooking and cleaning today because the house had turned into a real monster. But not all hope is lost because I've started the audiobook of Lola and the Boy Next Door. I'm going to bare down today and ketchup to the mustard. YEAH! <3

Friday January 15, 2015: Reading I'll Meet You There and The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy
Percentage Read: I'm on page 110 of The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy
Books Complete Today: None :(
Update: I've decided I'm not an e-book kind of girl so, I'm going to run by the library today because girl can't handle the e-book life :( wish I could though.

Saturday January 16, 2016: Reading The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy
Percentage Read: I'm on page 150 of The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy
Books Completed Today: None
Update: I'm feeling like I could make this challenge, maybe :O

Sunday January 17, 2016: Reading "The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy" and "I'll Meet You There"
Percentage Read: I finished out the read-a-thon on page 55 of "I'll Meet You There" and page 150 of "The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy"
Books Completed Today: 1 (a graphic novel called "What Did You Eat Yesterday"
Update: Sometimes things don't always turn out like we think they will but you should still try your best. And I did turn my best so I feel pretty good about that at least. :3

Mini Challenges:

Tuesday January 12, 2016: What are your Resolutions

Book Goals/Resolutions: To Finish all the books that are on my TBR shelves
To take reading slowly and have fun with it
To not buy anymore books this year point, just use the library ( unless there is sometime I Truly can Not live without in my collection)
To sell or donate the books I've read that I won't read again.
To keep track of the newer books coming out

  Blogging Goals: To post at least once a month and to have fun :3

Thursday January 14, 2016: Book Cover Hunt

1. "Blackhearts" by Nicole Castroman
2. "Assassin's Heart" by Sarah Ahiers
3. "The Shadow Queen" by C.J. Redwine
4. "The Winner's Kiss" by Marie Rutkoski
5. "Starflight" by Melissa Landers
6. "The Walk to the Edge" by Katie McGarry
7. "Glass Sword" by Victoria Aveyard
8. ?
9. "Lady Midnight" by Cassandra Clare
10. "Summer Days and Summer Nights Twelve Love Stories" by Stephanie Perkins
11. ?
12. "Underwater" by Marisa Reichardt 

 Saturday January 16, 2016: Bookshelf Scavenger Hunt

1. A book with a seasonal cover: 'My True Love Gave to Me'
2. A book with a one-word title: 'MockingJay" 
3. A book with an animal on the cover: 'Black Beauty'
4. A book with a long title: 'The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols'
5. A book with a couple on the cover: 'Chopsticks'                                                                                      



  1. I'll Meet You There sounds so good. :D
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  2. I'll Meet You There was one of my favourite books of 2015 - I hope you enjoy it! I'm going to have to check out The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy, it sounds like something I'd enjoy.

    Good luck with your reading and your resolutions! :-)

    ~Marie @ Ramblings of a Daydreamer

    1. ^-^ I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Comments like this are helping me try to push on with the read-a-thon. Life is sure trying to get in the way ^^! Thank You <3

  3. I need to read I'll meet you there as well.

    A lot of your resolutions are ones I need to try especially not buying any books this year, but I have a feeling that won't happen.

    1. ^-^ I know have you feel my temptation levels are on super high levels to buy a bunch of books already. The only thing that is stopping me are books from the library. ;D

  4. Love your goals, especially donating your books. That means a lot to so many people who can't afford to read books at the price they are at, per se, Barnes & Noble! Good for you <3

    1. Awww This comment really warmed my heart <3 Thank you. Yeah books always seem so expensive. ^^! I have to confess I do buy a lot of my books second hand for myself ;D so it's not there too new and shiny. Not on the outside anyways :D
