Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Bout of Books 15.0 Challenge/Day 2 Would You Rather?

So today's challenge is to answer some questions that start with 'Who You Rather'? and the host for these question are Writing My Own Fairytale and  #boutofbooks 
So let's get started

Would you rather:
Lend books to someone who dog-ears pages or to someone who reads with cheesy Cheetos fingers? Ewww gross cheeto fingers, I'll choose dog ears hands down

Would you rather:
Be able to meet one character of your choice or meet one author of your choice?
I'd rather meet a character because you can look up authors but you can't one on one a character IRL
Would you rather:
Never be allowed in a book store again or never be allowed in a library again?
Psst, that's why there is amazon baby, I <3 libraries
Would you rather:
Have to choose one of your favorite characters to die in their book or have to pick one of your favorite couples to break up in their book?
Break up because they can always Days of Our Lives it and get back together.
Would you rather:
Be required to read Twilight once a year for the rest of your life or The Scarlet Letter once a year for the rest of your life?
Hmmm, the whole twilight series? Is this a secret trick question? Ok I'll pick....this one is hard.................I'll pick The Scarlet Letter by a hair.

Well that was a bit harder then I thought. I'm curious to see what tomorrow will bring.

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